04Sustainability Accounting and Optimization

We develop and apply methodologies to assess the environmental, economic and social sustainability of complex systems.

The main objective of this unit is to favour better decision-making by the different actors of the quadruple helix (researchers, politicians, companies and citizens). It does this by working on a scientific basis with environmental, economic and social indicators, adopting a holistic perspective to understand the possible environmental consequences of different alternative scenarios. In addition, the unit supports the business community by analysing its carbon, water and environmental footprint.

Its main areas of research are assistance to innovation and technology transfer through prospective life cycle analysis and the development of new methodologies for the quantification of sustainability.

Its work is framed within the European PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) initiative, particularly in the areas of eco-labelling and the reduction of food losses.

Its main lines of research are assistance to innovation and technology transfer through prospective life cycle analysis.
Its work is framed within the European PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) initiative, particularly in the areas of eco-labelling and the reduction of food losses.


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