The CT BETA, present in the first edition of the BIT Congress
El Centre Tecnològic BETA de la UVic-UCC ha tingut una participació destacada en la primera edició del Congrés de Bioeconomia, Innovació i Tecnologia (BIT 2022), que s’ha fet a l’edifici del Sucre de Vic els dies 6 i 7 d’abril

The BETA Technological Centre of the UVic-UCC has had a prominent participation in the first edition of the Congress of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Technology (BIT 2022), which was held in the Sucre building in Vic on 6 and 7 April, presenting several research projects in the field of circular bioeconomy in which it participates. One of them is FERTIMANURE, which works for the production of fertilisers with high added value from livestock manure. FERTILWASTES, which valorises co-products from waste treatment to obtain new useful products for agriculture, was also presented.
The BETA TC also presented at the BIT Congress the results of SMART-Plant, a project already completed that has helped to scale up technologies to recover high-value materials in wastewater treatment plants, and DECOST, a project that helps to incorporate community composting in Mediterranean villages as the main system for treating the organic fraction of municipal waste. In the stands area of the congress, CT BETA has had a permanent presence, with a display of recoverable waste and products obtained in projects such as VALORA, AccelWater or several BBI projects in which its Accounting and Sustainability Optimisation Area participates.
The BIT is a biennial congress that takes place simultaneously in Vic and Lleida, and was created with the aim of driving the transformation of the primary sector, promoting the incorporation of business strategies and technological innovations that allow a more efficient, healthy and environmentally friendly production of food and bioproducts.