

Assessment of the environmental and economic sustainability of the dairy sector. Eco-labeling and environmental marketing strategies

Schematic structure for the development of CalcPEFDairy tool (A) transformation of the EF 2.0 reference package, (B) modelling of on-farm emissions and (C) deployment of the tool.
  • Grant agreement ID: ARP/1281/2018

  • Total project budget: 29.780,00€

  • Start Date: 01/03/2019

    End Date: 01/03/2020

Project Summary: 

This project has demonstrated the validity, veracity, and applicability of CalcPEFDairy v1.0; a tool developed by CT BETA that assesses the environmental sustainability of dairy products. 

Within the framework of this project, CalcPEFDairy v1.0 has obtained a certificate of conformity from an external audit entity as it has verified that the tool meets the requirements stipulated by the official European methodology of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF). Therefore, it has been demonstrated that CaclPEFDairy generates reliable and standardized environmental information to the final consumer and also allows the comparison between dairy products evaluated within the framework of the PEF; thus, enabling consumers to make better-informed purchasing decisions. 

Our role in the project: 

The BETA TC coordinated this project and fully developed CalcPEFDairy Tool through (i) the transformation of the EF 2.0 reference package to user meaningful data, (ii) the development of models for direct on-farm emissions and (iii) the deployment of the tool as schematizided in the figure below. For the development process Python programming and Visual Basic for Apprications (VBA) progtraming was required together with the use of SQLite databases and Microsoft Excel spread sheets for extracting, manipulate, storage and visualize both raw data and the final CalcPEFDairy results. 


Download the CalcPEFDairy tool through this registration form


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Activity financed through Operation 01.02.01 of Technology Transfer of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2020.