BETA TC collaborates in the development of a guide to assess the sustainability of tourism policies
The new document has been produced within the framework of RESTART MED!, a European project financed by the ENI CBC MED programme

A group of specialists in sustainability and governance of the BETA Technology Centre of the UVic-UCC has participated in the drafting of a new technical guide, designed to guide the public administration in improving or creating new policies on tourism. The intention of the promoters of this guide was to develop a new tool with useful guidelines and proposed indicators, which serves to evaluate and monitor the incorporation of sustainability criteria in the development of tourism policies in Catalonia.
The new document has been produced within the framework of RESTART MED!, a European project financed by the ENI CBC MED programme, which in Catalonia includes the participation of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Catalan Tourism Agency.
A group of specialists in sustainability and governance of the Technological Centre BETA of the UVic-UCC has participated in the drafting of a new technical guide, designed to guide the public administration in improving or creating new policies on tourism. The intention of the promoters of this guide was to develop a new tool with useful guidelines and proposed indicators, which serves to evaluate and monitor the incorporation of sustainability criteria in the development of tourism policies in Catalonia.
The new document has been produced within the framework of RESTART MED!, a European project financed by the ENI CBC MED programme, which in Catalonia includes the participation of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Catalan Tourism Agency.