A BETA TC delegation visits Jordan for two cooperation projects
A team of four people from the center have traveled to the northern Jordanian city of Irbid

A team of four people from the BETA TC of the UVic-UCC has travelled to the city of Irbid, in the north of Jordan, in the framework of the two cooperation projects funded by the ENI CBC MED programme in which the centre participates. The main reason for the trip was the general consortium meeting of the DECOST project, coordinated by the BETA TC, which after a long period imposed by the pandemic has been able to bring together all its members in the facilities of the Jordan University of Science and Technology. In Catalonia, the DECOST project has made it possible to initiate two pilot community composting trials in Les Masies de Roda and in the Sant Llàtzer and Quatre Estacions neighbourhood in Vic.
The same experience has been replicated in small towns in Palestine and Jordan with significant problems with the management of urban organic waste. The meeting was completed with a day’s visit to the homes of the Al Sarow centre, where all the project members were able to interact directly with the users of the pilot organic waste management system.
The second project in which the BETA TC is involved in Irbid is GreenBuilding, led by the Peloponnese region and the University of Patras. This project accompanies the energy transition of three large public buildings in Greece, Tunisia and Jordan.
In Irbid, in particular, the project will act on the government building of the Municipality of Irbid, facilitating the replacement of very old elements and moving towards a much higher energy efficiency, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will train the public workers themselves so that they can be an active part of the transformation. The role of BETA TC in this project, apart from the support it can provide on a technical level, is to support the capitalisation of the experience acquired during its implementation.