Transition towards climate-neutral Interreg MED projects

Grant agreement ID: 11MED21_2.2_MD_001
Total project budget: 512.348,90€
Start Date: 01/06/2021
End Date: 31/12/2022
Project website:
There is a growing need to evaluate the performance of public funded projects, not only in terms of scientific outputs but also from a sustainability perspective. The main outputs of ZeroCO2MED project, coordinated by BETA Technological Centre will be:
(i) the development of a carbon footprint accounting/mitigation/compensation methodology covering WHO, HOW, WHEN and WHAT to measure when assessing the carbon Footprint of projects and
(ii) a user-friendly software that includes the accounting methodology and tools to facilitate the decision-making process for the implementation of cost-effective carbon footprint mitigation strategies and high-quality options to offset the remaining emissions.
The project has been 85% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the Interreg MED Program.
The results obtained will help to understand the project’s carbon emissions and their current and future contribution to achieve climate neutrality. ZeroCO2MED will be a leap forward on how sustainability is integrated at the heart of INTERREG MED projects and how their outputs can support territories as well as national and regional policies to achieve the targets set in the EU Green Deal.
ZeroCO2MED is formed by a highly qualified and transdisciplinary partnership covering all required fields of expertise (e.g.,greenhouse gases emissions, methodology development, optimization of environmental performance, programming and modelling as well as skills in communication and training). BETA TC, the project leader, has strong and demonstrated leadership capacities as demonstrated in several Interreg (and other) projects.