Pescadors de Plàstic
Project to promote scientific thinking among schoolchildren based on the study of the role of rivers in the transport of plastics

Grant agreement ID: FCT-18-13605 (2019/2020) & FCT-19-15171 (2020/2021)
Total project budget: 1st phase: 20.000€. 2nd phase: 20.500€
Start Date: 01/09/2019
Project website:
Project summary
Pescadors de Plàstic is a citizen science project carried out by school children, and its main objective is to promote the scientific culture among school children by involving them into a real research project to study a little-known environmental problem, plastic pollution such as plastic pollution in our rivers and their role as plastic conduits to the sea.
To achieve this objective, school children involved in the project will work, side by side with the researchers of the BETA Technological Center, in a scientific research to generate new evidences on this environmental problem, guided by the different phases of the scientific method, from the statement of the hypotheses to the analysis of the field data obtained and the extraction of conclusions.
Our role in the project
BETA Technological Center is the coordinator of Pescadors de Plàstic, and it is also in charge of designing and developing the necessary didactic material, such as the activity guide and the explanatory video of the field sampling guide. Once all the results from the participating schools is collected, we also put all the data in common and analyse it at watershed scale, in order to understand plastic pollution in our rivers and their role as plastic conduits to the sea.