EIP-AGRI Operational Group with La Fageda. Rural Development Plan 2014-20 of the Government of Catalonia

Total project budget: 115.000,00 €
Start Date: 01/10/2018
End Date: 30/09/2020
Project Summary:
In recent years the livestock census has increased notably in Catalonia while the useful agricultural area has been decreasing. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and implement technologies that allow the recovery of surplus livestock manure that cannot be safely used as fertilizer in areas with high livestock density. An alternative to the use of these excrements is their energy recovery through the bio-drying process. Bio-drying applied to the livestock sector is an innovative process that would allow obtaining a biofuel (2,500-3,500 kcal/kg) that could be used in conventional biomass boilers. The objective of the project is to develop a feasibility study that determines how the energy and environmental impact of La Fageda can be reduced. The study is carried out at the facilities of this cooperative, which manufactures yoghurt and controls the entire production system, but it is believed that the results will be extrapolated to other cattle and pig farms.
Our role in the project:
The BETA Technological Center is responsible for the design of the adaptation of the composting plant in a bio-drying pilot plant and of the process start-up and optimization. In addition, it is also responsible for pilot-scale solar drying tests and combustion tests of the new biofuels generated. The Beta Technological Center also determined the economic viability of the system in relation to the quality of the data obtained.
Project funded through Operation 16.01.01 (Cooperation for Innovation) through the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2020.
Order ARP / 133/2017, of 21 June, approving the regulatory bases for aid for cooperation for innovation through the promotion of the creation of operational groups of the European Association for Innovation in matter of agricultural productivity and sustainability and the realization of innovative pilot projects by part of these groups, and Resolution ARP / 1531/2019, of 28 May, by which summons the mentioned help.