The BETA TC reinforces its team thanks to the Youth Guarantee Programme in Catalonia 2021
She has carried out auxiliary tasks as part of the project "Study and conservation of sea turtles"

During the last six months, the team of the BETA Technological Centre of the UVic-UCC has been reinforced with an environmentalist hired thanks to the Youth Guarantee programme of the European Union, managed through the Employment Service of Catalonia (SOC).
This is Gloria Fainé, who has carried out auxiliary tasks as part of the project “Study and conservation of sea turtles”.
The Youth Guarantee is a European employment initiative to reduce youth unemployment. The high percentages of young people who have completed their studies and are unemployed are a social concern widely shared by Catalan society and by the Government of Catalonia, which has made it one of its priorities.
The work experience in the organisations of young people who are beneficiaries of the Youth Guarantee facilitate the practical exercise of the knowledge acquired in both formal and vocational training.
The work contract has been carried out in accordance with the conditions set out in Order TSF/115/2018 of 12 July, co-financed by the Youth Employment Initiative and the European Social Fund 2014-2020, with a co-financing of 91.89%.