We have two open positions to join our team!
The BETA TC team is looking for a business developer and a manager for strategic projects.

1. Business Developer para tareas de promoción, captación de oportunidades y preparación de propuestas de I+D+I
Specific tasks:
– Preparation of high quality proposals to attract competitive European funding, following the basis of the different calls.
– Preparation of budgets for project proposals in accordance with the requirements of the call requirements.
– Main contact with the partners and coordination of the elaboration of the proposal in the case of coordinated projects.
– Main contact with the coordinator in the case of projects where BETA participates as a partner.
– Attendance to different info days and other events to attract opportunities.
– Support to the researchers of the center in the elaboration of competitive proposals.
2. Responsible for strategic and territorial projects at the BETA Technology Center
Specific tasks:
– Identification and promotion of new projects and strategic initiatives for the BETA Center and the territory.
– Execution of the work plans of the strategic projects of the BETA Center.
– Attendance at meetings, support in the organization, help in the preparation of materials, contact with people and entities involved, etc.
– Continuous contact with the public administration and relevant agents of the territory.
– Manage and dynamize the network of contacts and work of the BETA Center.