Broadening the impact of EIP-AGRI operational groups in the field of nutrient management

Grant agreement ID: 101086524
Total project budget: 1.999.962,50€
Start Date: 01/01/2023
End Date: 31/12/2025
Project website:
NUTRI-KNOW aims to improve nutrient management practices in agriculture by gathering and sharing knowledge from multiple EIP-AGRI (European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability) Operational Groups from four EU member states. These projects grouped farmers, researchers, and other stakeholders to work together and develop and implement innovative solutions to practical problems in the agricultural sector. Thus, NUTRI-KNOW aims to capitalise this knowledge of the EIP-AGRI OGs in the field of nutrient management through the deliver easy-to-understand, practice-oriented information aiming at farmers and practitioners. Additionally, the added value of the project is to cocreate and codevelop and results amplifications methodology that can increase the impact and expand project results in all relevant areas.
The project knowledge to be capitalised focuses on innovative improving nutrient management practices in agriculture for the benefit of both farmers and the environment. It aims to bring farmers and scientists together to share knowledge and technology related to nutrient management, and to promote the wider dissemination and adoption of sustainable nutrient management practices.