Capitalisation of projects in the field of livestock manure and fertiliser management

Total project budget: 49.869,92€
Start Date: 01/07/2022
End Date: 30/06/2024
FertiCAP is a capitalisation project that aims to take advantage of and add value to the knowledge previously generated in other research, development, transfer and innovation projects in the field of livestock manure management and fertilisation. FertiCAP will make it possible to map agents of interest, transfer the results and good practices, as well as identify shortcomings, generate new ideas and seek synergies between different actors in the Catalan livestock sector.
This project is based on the analysis of the results of innovative projects within the calls of the Operational Groups of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Horizon 2020, LIFE and other calls with Catalan participation and/or potential application in Catalonia. The entities participating in the projects analysed range from clusters of companies and research centres specialising in livestock waste research to different types of large and small livestock farms of various species.
FertiCAP aims to dynamise these actors and facilitate their cooperation in order to successfully replicate the innovative solutions that have been technically tested. It will also give a second life to the innovative projects already implemented, identifying their benefits and shortcomings and transferring the new knowledge to various actors in the Catalan livestock sector.
The aim is to ensure a more sustainable, profitable and environmentally friendly economic activity that responds to the new demands and trends in the management of livestock waste in Catalonia, and at the same time contributes to the development and improvement of new public policies through the connection and dialogue between the different actors in the sector.
Activity funded through Operation 01.02.01 Technology Transfer of the Rural Development Programme of Catalonia 2014-2020.