Cooperativa Plana de Vic
Project for the development of a slurry concentrator

Total project budget: 270.967,00 €
Start Date: 01/09/2016
End Date: 30/09/2017
Project Summary:
Livestock manure is characterized by having a high content of water (85-95%) and of nutrients (mainly phosphorus and nitrogen). Their application to the soil makes them suitable fertilizers to return these nutrients to the soil, thus avoiding the proliferation of desertified areas in the territory, but their high–water content makes their transport very costly and inefficient. The objective of the project is the development of a technology for concentrating the nutrients of the slurry to reduce the costs of managing livestock manure. This technology (developed jointly with the Cooperativa Plana de Vic and Grup Solucions de Manresa) separates the slurry from the farm into two phases. A first semi-liquid phase where most organic and nutrients are concentrated and its water content is reduced to make its exportation to territories in need of nutrients economically viable, and a second, more dilute liquid phase that can be applied to soils close to the territory where they are generated.
Our role in the project:
The BETA Technological Center is responsible for evaluating the technical feasibility for the correct management of each of the fractions produced and for studying the effect of applying these fractions to the soil. It is also responsible for the measurements of the energy and economic costs in general of the application (including collection and transport) of the two fractions and the environmental parameters that will allow a subsequent analysis of the environmental and economic sustainability.
Project funded through Operation 16.01.01 (Cooperation for Innovation) through the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2020.
Order ARP / 133/2017, of 21 June, approving the regulatory bases for aid for cooperation for innovation through the promotion of the creation of operational groups of the European Association for Innovation in matter of agricultural productivity and sustainability and the realization of innovative pilot projects by part of these groups, and Resolution ARP / 1531/2019, of 28 May, by which summons the mentioned help.