Crop wild relatives for climate change-resilient crops

Grant agreement ID: 101135314
Total project budget: 5,677,697.50€
Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 31/12/2028
Project website:
Crop wild relatives (CWRs), counterparts to domesticated crops, are a valuable source of genetic variation in agriculture. However, their utilization presents challenges. The EU-funded this project to demonstrate the use of CWRs for breeding and farming through COUSIN readiness levels (CRLs). Focused on wheat, barley, pea, lettuce, and brassicas, it will demonstrate how CWRs can address agricultural challenges.
The 5-year initiative will prioritize CWR traits, design selection toolboxes, and apply them in breeding programs to meet stakeholder demands. Effective protocols guide the conservation of trait diversity across Europe. A data portal will facilitate access to priority trait information. On-farm pilots and breeding sites will showcase change-resilient climate crops.