The MED4Waste project, funded by ENICBCMed, begins
The project will provide new governance models for public urban waste management policies

The BETA Technological Center of the UVic-UCC will coordinate MED4Waste, a new European research project whose main objective is to facilitate new governance models for public urban waste management policies in the Mediterranean region. This project to capitalize on the results of projects already implemented is funded by the ENI CBC MED 2014-2020 program. The launch meeting was held yesterday Wednesday with the participation of all partners in virtual format.
MED4Waste will work to improve the knowledge available to public administrations in relation to urban waste management, especially organic waste, and new circular economy practices. This knowledge will provide guidance and training to public administrations and relevant private and social actors, to implement transfer actions and to support policy planning, adaptation and readjustment and other planning actions. The MED4Waste project officially began on October 1 and has a two-year implementation period. These two years should serve to support the dissemination of key results, to promote the creation of cross-border and cross-sectoral networks and to foster the long-term commitment of policy makers in the socio-economic and institutional transition to green growth. One of the most important impacts that is expected to be to be able to contribute directly to the basic objectives of the agenda of the Union for the Mediterranean.
In addition to BETA TC, the project consortium is made up of 6 organizations from 6 different Mediterranean countries: the MedCities Association in Catalonia, MIO-ESCDE in Greece, BusinessMed in Tunisia, the American University of Beirut (Lebanon), the EDAMA Association of Jordan and the Italian entity COSPE. Beyond the consortium, the project also has a large group of partners who will contribute at some point.