Innovative water quality monitoring tools
- Fast and flexible data collection
- Real-time measurements
- Safe and easy data organization and storage
- Provision of spatial distributed data
- Broad spatial extent in shorter time
- Low lab equipment requirements
- Improved management of the site sampling plan

Several demonstration activities have been carried out in different Catalan catchments within the framework of the project INTCATCH H2020. The boats have been deployed successfully in 30 river stretches collecting data of a wide range of parameters (i.e. Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, temperature, Ammonium, Nitrates, Phosphate, Chemical and Biological Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids, Turbidity, Absorbance254).
Currently BETA Tech Center can provide a service with the integrated boat for three different types of monitoring of freshwater catchments:
Regular monitoring
- To complement classical monitoring programs based on grab sampling at fixed stations.
Investigative deployments
- To detect unknown diffuse and punctual sources of pollution mapping the water quality changes induced by it.
Exceptional monitoring
- As a consequence of unexpected events and accidents (i.e. chemical spills).