Business-oriented solutions
- Environmental declarations and Ecolabelling (e.g. ISO14067, ISO14046, ISO14025)
- Corporate sustainability (e.g. non- financial reporting)

There is a growing interest in sustainability issues as a part of the business strategy, so sustainability communication to consumers (B2C) and suppliers (B2B) is getting more relevant every day.
BETA TC have proven experience in ecolabelling processes: we can help during the whole process, from the technical study according the selected category rules to the writing of the report and also during the verification process with the verification body (e.g. AENOR, SGS, DNV-GL, etc.), we are specialist in carbon footprint and water footprint ecolabels, among others.
Moreover, there is a growing interest, not only in the environmental performance of products and companies but also in the reporting of social issues and the contribution of business in the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals.
At BETA we help private and public bodies to embrace transparency and deliver non-financial information to selected stakeholders (suppliers and consumers).