Biodrying for the valorisation of manure into high-valuable products
Biodrying is a novel technology that allow wastes valorization into high-valuable products. The process uses the metabolic heat produced by the biologic activity in order to remove the water content of the wastes matrix in the shortest time, minimizing the organic matter degradation and keeping the calorific value of the material.
In this way, biodrying achieves the energetic valorization of wastes with a high moisture content obtaining a biofuel which can be used in conventional biomass boiler.
At the same time, this technology is a solution for phosphorus recovery from the ashes obtained after the biofuel combustion in order to be transported and applied as fertilizer in an easy way.

In the last years, BETA Tech Center has been optimizing this technology at lab and pilot scale. Thanks to this experience, the Center has achieved the implementation of biodrying at full scale by the adaptation of a composting trench using the solid fraction of dairy manure.
- Composting trench modification: Installation of high air-flows fan to guarantee the higher drying capacity allowing the high temperature of the mixture.
- Biofuel production: As a result of the solid fraction of dairy manure biodrying, the production of a biofuel with a high heat value is obtained.