Synergies for Green Growth Initiative-Energising the Impact of Innovation in the Mediterranean. Linking green growth and circular economy projects to Mediterranean stakeholders

Grant agreement ID: 2MED15_1.1_HP_003
Total project budget: 1.319.970,56 €
Start Date: 01/11/2016
End Date: 31/10/2019
Project website:
Project Summary:
Interreg MED SYNGGI is the first phase of the Horizontal Project in the “Green Growth axis” of the transnational European Cooperation Programme for the Mediterranean area, the Interreg MED Programme. SYNGGI project was designed as an agile tool that unified 14 project results, provided support to Mediterranean stakeholders and created a fruitful and collaborative environment for all implicated bodies. Its main objective was to build the basis of a community network, supporting communication and capitalisation activities, that helped all MED and extra-MED area stakeholders’ to take advantage of the experience and the results done during projects’ implementation and after their completion. This project acted as a dynamic network between innovative projects focused on renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management-recycling, smart cities and eco–innovation in order to strengthen innovation capacities of public and private actors of Mediterranean regions, giving them a transnational dimension in line with the targets and strategies of the Managing Authorities for the Mediterranean Area.
Interreg MED SYNGGI project was coordinated by the BETA Technological Centre and counted with a total of 5 partners from 4 countries (Spain, Italy, Greece and Albania).
Our role in the project:
In the framework of the Interreg MED SYNGGI, the BETA Technological Centre was the lead partner of the project and the main responsible of the project coordination and financial and administrative duties. BETA was in charge of consolidating the stakeholders’ network in and beyond MED area in order to improve their innovation capacity, and carrying out advocacy activities to reinforce SYNGGI’s role in EU and international networks. In addition, BETA was in charge of leading the coordination of the Thematic Working Groups on Circular Economy and the creation of the white papers integrating the technical results from all the projects of the community.