Smart environmental footprint calculation in the pork value chain

Grant agreement ID: AEI-010500-2022b-221
Total project budget: 31.558€
Start Date: 27/07/2022
End Date: 29/04/2023
The objective of the project, funded by the extraordinary call for aid for Innovative Business Groups 2022 of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (AEI2022b), has been the development of a web application for calculating the Environmental Footprint along the value chain of the pork sector, to contribute to the achievement of sustainability objectives in the companies of the sector.
An intuitive and user-friendly online tool has been developed that meets all the quality standards of the methodologies recommended by the European Union but at the same time is easy to use for non-experts in sustainability (e.g. quality managers of meat companies, etc.). It will enable companies in the sector to incorporate sustainability criteria into business decision-making. This project stems from the conviction that the solution offered is a market need with a high potential for market penetration in the medium term.
Environmental issues are one of the challenges facing the world and being aware of this fact will lead to an improvement in the competitiveness of the sector.
At the same time, it allows to increase the added value of the final product, in this case pork and pork products.
The project “PIGPEF. Intelligent calculation of the environmental footprint in the pork value chain” has been led by INNOVACC, the Catalan Meat and Alternative Protein Cluster, with the participation of 333 Corporate 1998 SL, GSP Lleida and I+Porc.
Project financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Spanish Government. Call for subsidies to support Innovative Business Groups for the year 2022, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, with File No. AEI-010500-2022b-221.