Development of a web application for the easy calculation of the Organization Environmental Footprint in the agrifood industry

Grant agreement ID: 2021 PROD 00150
Total project budget: 99.500€
Start Date: 19/10/2022
End Date: 18/04/2024
BETA TC is developing EASY-OEF, a web/software application that aims to democratize the assessment and communication of sustainability in the food sector. EASY-OEF will be a validated application that complies with the approved European Union Organization Environmental Footprint (OEF) methodology, which will become the recommended standard in the EU for environmental communication in the B2B and B2C sectors. Easy-OEF will be also aligned with the Organization Social Footprint and the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The development of the EASY-OEF prototype under this project framework will focus on companies of the food industry, it will reduce the need to use and expensively purchase complex professional applications, while limiting the need for external specialized consulting. This will allow a more efficient incorporation of sustainability criteria into business decisions in the agri-food sector.
This project is linked to the Knowledge Industry grants (Llavor i Producte) and has the support of the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya.