Fertilisation and soil quality in double annual cropping systems in Osona

Total project budget: 49831,51€
Start Date: 01/09/2022
End Date: 30/06/2024
Osona is a region with a high level of livestock activity where agricultural application is the most economical and natural destination for the manure generated. As a result, the maintenance of agricultural production in the county is linked to the optimisation of the use of organic fertilisers as fertiliser for crops.
On the other hand, on some farms in the county of Osona it is common practice to grow a double annual crop, combining a winter cereal and a summer cereal, where both crops are used as fodder. Given the unique nature of these farms, it is necessary to carry out correct fertilisation, especially in terms of nitrogen.
This demonstration activity aims to show the effects of slurry fertilisation on soil quality in an annual double cropping system under rainfed conditions. This activity focuses on a long-term trial (17 years) that is being carried out in the Osona region within the framework of the Plan for the improvement of agricultural fertilisation in Osona.
Taking advantage of the experimental design of this trial, the demonstration activity will deepen the knowledge of the evolution of different soil parameters to demonstrate the effects of fertilisation with pig slurry on soil quality. In this sense, the aim of the current project is to capitalise on the data collected during this experiment. Based on the results obtained in the demonstration activity and the results obtained during the 17 years of the trial, a document on the fertilisation strategy in double cropping systems under rainfed conditions in a sub-Mediterranean climate will be drawn up.
Activity funded through the Technology Transfer Operation 01.02.01 of the Rural Development Programme of Catalonia 2014-2020.