Mercè Boy Roura, from BETA TC, new member of the coordination group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee

The coordination group of the Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform has a renewed team of 24 members since November 2020. After receiving more than 100 applications, Mercè Boy Roura, from the BETA Technological Center, has been selected to become member of this group for the next two and a half years. Boy Roura will represent the Interreg MED Green Growth community, a network of projects that promotes the green and circular economy in the Mediterranean, led by BETA TC.
The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee that brings together stakeholders active in the field of the circular economy in Europe. ECESP is a “network of networks” that goes beyond sectoral activities and highlights intersectoral opportunities and challenges. It is a platform that brings together knowledge, a place for dialogue and a bridge between existing initiatives. The institution contributes to spreading the concept of circular economy at the national, regional and local levels, making information more easily accessible and providing a framework for exchange and dialogue.
The ECESP coordination group is made up of 24 leading civil society organizations, including European trade unions and business associations, environmental groups, national circular economy centers, etc. Their main role is to act as ambassadors for the platform and the transformation of the circular economy by disseminating knowledge and encouraging debate and activity among the community. In this context, the members of this group will organize thematic leadership groups as a direct forum of expertise with other stakeholders, as well as EU Circular Conversations.
BETA TC will participate in these activities in its field of expertise, such as agri-food systems and waste management. It will also facilitate the interaction and connection between actors and projects in the territory with relevant European initiatives to get involved in the transition to a circular economy.