BETA TC participates in the FECS technical conferences
This event aims to be a meeting point for the electric self-consumption, bioenergy and bioconstruction sectors.

Mabel Mora, head of the Environmental Technologies and Circular Bioeconomy Area of the BETA Technology Centre of the UVic-UCC, participates in two of the technical sessions that have been programmed in the framework of the Fira de l’Energia i la Construcció Sostenible (FECS). The first edition of this event, which takes place from 17 to 19 February at the “Sucre de Vic” exhibition centre, aims to be a meeting point for the electric self-consumption, bioenergy and bioconstruction sectors, which from 2022 onwards will bring together the former Biomass, Biogas, Electric Self-consumption and Constructive Wood fairs in a single event of reference.
On the one hand, this morning, in the session dedicated to biogas, Mora presented to the attendees various treatment options and strategies for the valorisation of digestate, a by-product generated after the anaerobic digestion of a biodegradable raw material. On the other hand, during the session focused on biomass that will take place tomorrow, the head of the Environmental Technologies and Circular Bioeconomy Area of the BETA Technology Centre will explain the results achieved through the valorisation of slurry from biogas waste and the generation of pellets that can be used in a conventional biomass boiler. This is one of the parts that make up the cascade process of the FERTIMANURE pilot project, installed in Muntanyola and recently presented.
The technologies for energy recovery from organic waste have been gaining weight in the technological schemes of various BETA TC projects. This has opened the door for CT BETA to join entities such as the Bioenergy Cluster of Catalonia; the Energy For Society Network, coordinated by IREC, or even the UNITWIN network of UNESCO Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy Research and Education.