The BETA TC hosts the researchers of the European project REFLOW
Researchers have carried out training activities in various areas of the UVic-UCC

After a long period imposed by the pandemic, the BETA Technologial Center of the UVic-UCC has once again hosted a major event in Vic related to one of the European projects in which it participates. This is the ETN REFLOW project, thanks to which an intersectoral and interdisciplinary European Training Network has been created with funding from the Marie Curie Actions program. The aim of this project is, above all, to address the technical and socio-economic challenges associated with the recovery of phosphorus from waste of the processing of dairy products and their conversion into fertilizer products.
For two weeks, the young researchers from ETN REFLOW have combined training activities carried out in various UVic-UCC spaces, such as Can Baumann and the Faculty of Sciences, with field visits to farms and companies, such as La Fageda. The training they have received includes both scientific or technical aspects as well as others related to the preparation of new projects or to European regulation that affects their field of work.
This European Intersectoral and Interdisciplinary Training Network combines the participation of highly experienced scientists and early-stage researchers, and brings them together with a representation of key private sector actors. In this case, they are representatives of the dairy processing chain and the fertilizer production chain.
The REFLOW project is coordinated by the University of Limerick (Ireland) and has 13 young researchers, each developing their own research project. The BETA Technological Center leads the training work package, with the main objective of providing them with transversal skills that will help them increase their professional opportunities.