The FERTILWASTES project on the recovery of agricultural waste, has begun
The project is coordinated by the Association Pour l’Environnement et la Sécurité en Aquitaine (APESA)

The Kick-Off Meeting of the FERTILWASTES project took place in Pau (France) on 1 and 2 July 2021, with the participation of the BETA Technological Center. This new European project aims to develop innovative and valuable products from co-products generated by the application of different technologies for the treatment of agricultural waste (composting, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis, etc.). The results of this project are expected to contribute to innovative processes that help to develop biodegradable horticultural materials with and without fertilizing action, biostimulants or slow-release fertilizers, among others.
The project responds to the need to cover, in a more sustainable way, some needs of agricultural activity, while allowing the recovery of waste and co-products from agricultural activity, livestock, etc. This should minimize some of its negative effects on the environment and human health, and contribute to new models of circular economy. In the hands of the same sector, FERTILWASTES will address issues related to the different phases of the process of production, recovery, processing and, finally, recovery of waste by obtaining products suitable for agriculture again.
Co-financed 65% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg VA Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2014-2020), the one-year FERTILWASTES project has the participation of actors from both sides of the Pyrenees. This project is coordinated by the Association Pour l’Environnement et la Sécurité en Aquitaine (APESA) and also involves the CT BETA, CATAR-CRITT Agroressources (CATAR), the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), NEIKER – Basque Institute of Agricultural Research and Development, SA (NEIKER) and the University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour (UPPA).