Webinar: Driving sustainable production and consumption through eco-labeling in the Mediterranean region
Dia: 4 de Novembre
Hora: 9:30 - 12:00 CET
Lloc: Virtual
Green and circular economy practices workshops
The Union for the Mediterranean and the Interreg MED Green Growth Community, lead by the BETA Technological Centre, have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the above webinar.
We will hear from inspiring keynote speakers that will provide the context and background and future trends on consumption, production and the impact of ecolabels in the Mediterranean region.
The participants can also expect to create new long-lasting collaborations to continue to provide innovative solutions to drive sustainable design, creation and purchasing decisions in the Mediterranean
All participants will have the opportunity to interact with the speakers through Q&A sessions and to provide their own insights into the current problems in consumption and production patterns or the development and implementation of ecolabels in the Mediterranean region.
In participating in this webinar, you will learn from leading initiatives and projects that show how labels and certification in the product value chain can incentivise more sustainable choices in the Mediterranean.
A full agenda will be sent out in due course.
Save the date and stay tuned!