

Climate Adaptation and Resilience Demonstrated In the MEDiterranean region

CARDIMED actions will be implemented in 9 demonstration sites
  • Grant agreement ID: 101112731

  • Total project budget: 20.806.271,44 €

  • Start Date: 01/09/2023

    End Date: 29/02/2028

  • Project website:

CARDIMED will establish a framework for building climate resilience in the Mediterranean bio-geographical region, efficiently combining the individual efforts of regions and communities across different countries and continents. This will be achieved by deploying the digital infrastructure to harmonise data collection and assessment processes, provide open data to all actors involved in the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) value chain, and integrate critical functions for Climate Resilience.

Among these functions, smart digital tools for citizen participation and capacity building will complement an ambitious multi-stakeholder engagement strategy focused on knowledge translation and impact pathways. In addition, holistic modelling tools introducing the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus approach will provide comprehensive knowledge on the complex NbS interfaces that will be crucial to address socio-environmental challenges, as well as issues of valuation and low investment rate in NbS.

These actions will be implemented in 9 demonstration sites, composed of 10 regions, 20 sites and 28 municipalities, comprising 47 NbS directly linked to 83 interventions and support units addressing climate change and circularity challenges. The consolidation of the demonstration regions and communities will create the CARDIMED Resilience Alliance, which will act as a vehicle for the expansion of the network through the up-scaling of existing sites and the addition of new ones.

The project includes 5 transferability cases and a further 10 to be defined during implementation.

