The BETA TC provides advice to the company Bellapart thanks to the funding of ACCIÓ
Bellapart is a company specialized in the design and construction of unique steel and glass structures

The BETA Technology Center has been able to provide technological assessment to the company Bellapart thanks to a grant from ACCIÓ’s call for Innovation “Cupons a la innovació”. This assessment consisted of the microscopic characterization of glass-metal welds using the ultrasonic technique with lead-free alloys.
Bellapart is a company specialized in the design and construction of unique steel and glass structures, complex facades and enclosures of buildings with glass, steel, aluminum, carbon fiber composites and other high-tech materials.
On behalf of CT BETA, Dra. Judit Molera is the person who has provided the advisory service to the company. In this study the characterization of welded joints by optical microscopy, electron microscopy (SEM-FIB) and X-ray diffraction (DRX) has provided information on the microstructure of the glass-metal bond and know by three types of alloys tin and for different supports (glass and titanium Gr2) which conditions of power of the ultrasounds, time of welding, temperature, etc., allow to obtain joints glass-metal of high provision. The study carried out has provided evidence that the strength of the joints depends strongly on the welding conditions.
These grants of up to 5,000 euros for Catalan SMEs to incorporate ecological and sustainability criteria in the design and development of their products, services and processes, and to define new business models. based on the green and circular economy. The grants facilitate access to the contracting of circular economy services to suppliers accredited by ACCIÓ, as is the case of the CT BETA accredited as a TECNIO Center.
Aid file number: BOIN19-1-0087.