Sergio Martínez-Campos Gutiérrez
Phone: 93 8816168 ext. 7131
Email: [email protected]
Orcid: 0000-0002-4441-6003
Dr. Sergio Martínez-Campos Gutiérrez is an Environmental Scientist with a Master’s degree in Microbiology (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and a PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources Management. His doctoral thesis focused on studying the capacity of microplastics to act as vectors of microorganisms, both pathogenic and antibiotic resistant in aquatic ecosystems. His training focuses on the study of water quality, both fresh, salt and drinking water, as well as bioinformatics, specialising in metagenomic analysis. He is also a science communicator through specialized websites and his blog Divulga Medioambiente.