Sergio Ponsá explains the REFLOW ETN project in the “Open Access Government” magazine
After the FERTIMANURE, this is the second publication in the magazine dedicated to a BETA Technological Center project

The director of the BETA Technology Center, Sergio Ponsá, talks about the recovery of waste from the dairy industry and the challenges and opportunities related to phosphorus recovery. This is one of the main objectives of the REFLOW ETN project, a European Training Network funded under the Marie Curie actions, which aims to develop and provide alternatives to inorganic fertilizers that can be truly economically and environmentally sustainable.
Open Access Government is a digital publication that provides an in-depth perspective on key areas of public policy around the world. Each quarterly edition includes a wide range of prestigious collaborators, including ministers, European Commissioners, members of the European Parliament, industry associations and charities.
The issue of the magazine where the article is published can be consulted here.