Med4Waste course on municipal waste management and circular economy is now available
The course serves to introduce cutting-edge practices and experiences in the implementation of zero waste and circular economy strategies

The Med4ZeroWaste & Circular Economy course, a new training offer created by the European Med4Waste project and aimed at anyone interested in improving their knowledge in the field of municipal waste management, is now available free of charge. The course is hosted on Ubiqua, a UVic Moodle platform for training and collaboration activities with open or invited participation.
The course serves to introduce cutting-edge practices and experiences in the implementation of zero waste and circular economy strategies, with a focus on the realities of the Mediterranean region. It is designed to respond to the needs of technical staff working in local or regional public administrations, as well as various stakeholders involved in municipal waste management.
The content has been created from the results and experiences of the waste management projects previously funded by the ENI CBC Med programme, especially DECOST, Med-Ina, CLIMA, CEOMED and REUSEMED. The experience provided by these projects was complemented by a review of the scientific literature on the subject and the experience of the Med4Waste partners. The course has been developed by the BETA Technology Centre, leader of the project, with the support and experience of the Rezero Foundation, and also with the technical advice of the Unit of University Teaching and Educational Technology of the UVic-UCC.
One of the key advantages of this type of training is the flexibility it offers: it allows learning at any pace and has a self-assessment grading system that ensures effective monitoring of progress in understanding the subject. The course is currently available in English, but an Arabic version will be available in the coming weeks, so don’t hesitate to register for the course and start exploring the content!