Regenerative agriculture in Catalonia, the central theme of a conference organised by CT BETA
The new PATT conference served to present some practical cases of application of regenerative agriculture strategies in Catalonia

Regenerative agriculture, a system based on agricultural and livestock practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by restoring organic matter and biodiversity in degraded soils, was the epicentre of a PATT conference organised by the UVic-UCC’s BETA Technology Centre, which took place today, Thursday, at the Masia Torre dels Frares. Currently, regenerative agriculture is seen as one of the solutions with potential to help ensure a sustainable food supply in the long term.
The event, organised by the CT BETA of the UVic-UCC and the LEADER Ripollès-Ges-Bisaura Association, was attended by the director general of Agriculture and Livestock of the DACC, Elisenda Guillaumes, and the director of the Territorial Services of the DACC in central Catalonia, Josep Arderiu, as well as about forty members of the public.
The new PATT conference served to present some practical cases of application of regenerative agriculture strategies in Catalonia. One of the experiences presented was the demonstrative project “Horticultura Sol Viu”, coordinated by the CT BETA and financed by the DACC through the Rural Development Plan of Catalonia. The aim of this project is to promote the regeneration of soils degraded by intensive agriculture in accordance with the transition towards new practices that minimise the work applied to the soil.
Among the aspects on the table was how regenerative agriculture fits into the new law on sustainable agricultural production (SAP) in Catalonia. This new law should facilitate the legal certification of good agricultural practices, promote self-improvement tools for farms, and is expected to end up articulating a line of financial aid provided for in the framework of the Strategic Plan for Food in Catalonia. The PATT conferences are aimed at the agri-food sector and are coordinated under the umbrella of the Annual Technology Transfer Plan.