CT BETA participates in a trip to Denmark to learn about its biogas production model
The organisation of the trip has been coordinated by the Bureau for the Sustainable Management of Livestock in Osona

Several members of the BETA Technological Centre of UVic-UCC, led by the director of the centre, Sergio Ponsá, have participated this week in a working trip to Denmark, in which a group of representatives of up to sixteen entities has been able to see first hand the Danish model of biogas as a technology for the management of livestock manure and other organic by-products. The group included members from private companies, public administration and research centres.
The production of biogas allows, at the same time, to generate a certain amount of renewable energy and to manage the surplus of livestock manure that some territories with a high density of livestock, such as Osona, have. The situation of rising fossil fuel prices over the last year, together with the endangered natural gas supply situation, has created a new, highly favourable scenario for boosting biogas generation.
The organisation of the trip was coordinated by the Board for the Sustainable Management of Livestock in Osona, chaired by the Osona County Council and technically coordinated by CT BETA.