Dia: 1st of June
Hora: 10:00 CET
Lloc: EU Green Week (Virtual)
The Interreg MED Green Growth Community (GGC) has organised a partner event in the framework of the EU Green Week to present best practices to move towards zero pollution in the agri-food sector with the focus on the Mediterranean region. The webinar will be held on the 1st of June at 10 am CET, and it aims to showcase how to make the agri-food value chain more sustainable by applying circular economy approaches.
In the first half of the session, GGC projects PEFMED, REINWASTE and RE-LIVE WASTE will highlight how the innovative solutions they developed can support the transition towards a more sustainable agri-food sector. The three project representatives will share their on-the-ground experiences of how to reduce pollution and the environmental footprint of agri-food value chains, from production to consumption. The second half of the session will be an interactive journey for attendees to learn more and explore food products’ journey through the agri-food value chain, and how to make the process more sustainable.
Sign up here.
Check the draft agenda.