
FERTIMANURE. From farm to market: Upcycling manure to improved fertilising products

  • Dia: 9th of November

  • Hora: 16:30 CET

  • Lloc: ECOMONDO (Rimini) + Streaming

The H2020 FERTIMANURE project aims to develop, integrate, evaluate and validate innovative strategies for nutrient management that allow recovering bio-based fertilisers from livestock manure. The final aim is to produce reliable and safe fertilizers able to compete in the EU fertilizers market and move towards a sustainable and efficient nutrient management. FERTIMANURE proposes its FERTI Manure-management package in which four complementary tools have been developed (i) the logistics tool to better address the regional nutrient management; (ii) TMF nutrition tool for the formulation of tailored fertilisers; (iii) Regulatory tool as a useful tool to cross-check the characteristics of the BBFs with relevant regulation; and (iv) Decision Support System to help in the decision-making of selecting context-adjusted biorefining configurations. Integrating all the outcomes from FERTIMANURE, different business plans and business models are developed for those most promising scenarios considering also the vision of manure producers and end-users preferences.

Session Chairs

Fabrizio Adani, University of Milano
Nagore Guerra, BETA Technological Center


16.30-16.35 Introduction by the Chairs

16.35-16.50 FERTIMANURE bio-based fertilising products – biorefineries to recover nutrients, agronomic performance of the products, alignment with the regulation
Laia LLenas, BETA Technological Center

16.50-17.20 Business plans and Business models for the FERTIMANURE bio-based fertilisers
Ana-Marija Špicnagel, IPS Konzalting

17.20-18.20 FERTIMANURE Tools for a better manure management – logistics tool, Regulatory Tool, Decision Support System, and TMF Nutrition Tool
Oscar Schoumans, Wageningen
Daniel Egas, BETA Technological Center
Nicolas Thevenin, RITTMO

18.20-18.30 Discussion and closure by the Chairs